Interview with Ulster head coach Mark Anscombe

What did you think of Paddy Jackson’s, Craig Gilroy’s and Luke Marhsall’s performances in the 6 Nations?

They’re all young players, all under the age of 22 and they’ve got a long way to go to fulfil their potential. I think they equipped themselves reasonably well in the 6 Nations and gained some good experience, especially considering some of the disappointments from results in games they were in. But they showed their ability to bounce back and perform so I believe all three of them have good futures.

Mark Anscombe 15/6/2012

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Do you think all three of them will be become first team players in the future, are they showing enough potential at the moment?

Yes I think so; I’m assuming that their potential was one of the reasons why they got those opportunities in the 6 Nations. But now it’s about how they keep growing and learning from those experiences which will then determine how long they stay there or if they cement their position in the first team.  Obviously there is still a long way to go for them and it will be interesting to see how they progress.

Do you think Irish rugby (internationally) has a bright future ahead considering the players that are starting to come through?

I think when you look at some of the players emerging from all four provinces in Ireland there is some very good talent coming through. Recently they’ve had some serious problems with injuries and as would any team in their position, the length of depth in the squad is going to be tested. But I think when they put their best fifteen out on the pitch I think they’ve got an outstanding group of players for the future.

Do you think Ireland blood youngsters into the first team regularly enough?

I’m not involved in the team so it wouldn’t be fair to criticize or support what they do, so it’s hard for me to give an answer. Everyone has their own way of doing things but it’s not a perfect world and you’re forced into issues with injuries and a lack of depth. There may be the right intentions in place to blood in a few youngsters but circumstances determine that he has to be forced into the first team earlier than you expected.